How will you work with institutions to strengthen their work on prevention?

Strengthen institutional approaches to prevention

Strengthen institutional approaches to prevention

Over the last two decades, as more evidence has emerged to show that VAWG is preventable, a greater number of national governments have expressed interest in making progress to prevent VAWG in their countries. Equally, both governments and private sector organisations have understood that VAWG has negative effects for women, their families, businesses and the national economy. These actors have all realised that larger-scale progress on prevention requires a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder response across the public, private and civil society sectors - and this requires building capacity and allocating resources for prevention work. Donors and funding agencies have therefore started to work with governments, specific sectoral ministries and private sector companies to develop approaches to prevent violence within public institutions, work places and wider society.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

A key focus of Spotlight Initiative's work has been to strengthen the institutional environment for ending VAWG. In different countries, programmes have variously worked with national government, the private sector, media and education institutions both to reduce violence within these institutions, ensure they implement commitments to end VAWG and to foster a wider enabling environment for VAWG prevention.

In addition to work to reform and strengthen laws and policies, Spotlight Initiative has worked with government bodies to strengthen institutional capacity to implement these commitments. This has included training government officials and duty bearers on gender equality and VAWG, and innovative work on gender-responsive budgeting in Papua New Guinea and Timor Leste (see case study below).

In terms of the education sector, in addition to specific work with children and adolescents in schools in areas like healthy relationships, Spotlight Initiative has also worked with national education ministries to reform and institutionalise gender-equitable curricula and pedagogies to ensure that younger generations grow up with gender-equitable and non-violent attitudes and behaviours.

Spotlight Initiative has also included a specific focus on addressing violence and harassment against women in the workplace. This has included working with companies and public institutions to put in place zero tolerance policies for harassment and abuse, to set up peer support groups and community referrals, and to develop accessible and trusted complaints processes. 

The Safe and Fair programme supported by Spotlight Initiative focused on addressing gender-based violence against and trafficking of women migrant workers in the ASEAN region. This focused on strengthening labour migration frameworks, improving access to information and services for women migrant workers, generating data and evidence of the experiences of women migrant workers and developing campaigns to better understand their contributions
see case study below on Indonesia

Top Tips

How to strengthen institutional approaches to prevention - top tips from the wider VAWG sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Support national and local governments to budget for ending VAWG
Work with education ministries to tackle VAWG in schools
Work with companies to reduce VAW in the workplace 
Develop ways to measure national progress on prevention