How will you work with the national government?

Work effectively with national government

Work effectively with national government

National governments are the primary duty bearers for addressing violence against women and girls (VAWG). They are vital to creating a positive enabling environment to support systemic change in preventing and responding to VAWG, including the development and implementation of new laws, policies or national action plans, and the sustained allocation of financial resources. Political leaders can also play a key role in the process of shifting social norms by speaking out to condemn VAWG, discrimination and gender inequality, and galvanising action around the issue. Conversely, national governments have the potential to hinder or roll back progress on addressing VAWG, either indirectly through lack of action or directly through rhetoric that normalises violence or discrimination. Working effectively with national governments is important for the long-term sustainability and scale-up of violence prevention programming. 

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Elevating ending VAWG on the political agenda: Spotlight Initiative works at all levels of government to elevate the strategic positioning of VAWG on the political agenda. It has directly engaged at the highest level with Prime Ministers and Heads of State to generate political will through the UN Resident Coordinators and included government co-chairs on National Steering Committees.

Strengthening capacity of government actors: Spotlight Initiative worked to strengthen capacities of key government ministries and agencies at local, subnational and national levels.

Strengthening laws and policies to end VAWG: Spotlight Initiative works with governments to establish policy environments and laws conducive to long-term change. By 2023, Spotlight Initiative programmes had contributed to the development or strengthening of 477 laws or policies to end VAWG. For example, in Liberia, Spotlight Initiative provided support to develop a Comprehensive Prevention Strategy through a coordinated and multi-stakeholder partnership with national and county government, civil society and local communities. The Strategy is the first comprehensive prevention strategy in the region and in Africa.

Read more in the section on Laws, Policies and Institutions

Top Tips

How to work effectively with national government – top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Identify cross-party and cross-government champions to secure buy-in
Build trust and open communication channels
Strengthen capacity of government institutions to address VAWG
Support government engagement with CSOs and WROs
Develop an advocacy strategy to strengthen laws and policies relevant to ending VAWG
Plan for sustainability and identify ways to work with government at scale