Data, Evidence and Learning

Globally, international organisations and national governments have committed to evidence-based policymaking and programming as a principle to guide the allocation of resources. However, the collection of robust data and evidence on the drivers, patterns and impacts of complex social issues such as violence against women and girls (VAWG) is challenging. Nonetheless, over the last two decades, a growing evidence base has supported increased funding for ending VAWG as well as vital learning on how to design and implement effective programmes in different contexts and for different groups.

In this section, you can find tips, lessons and examples of approaches to collect and analyse data on various forms of VAWG and to monitor and measure the impacts of initiatives designed to prevent and respond to VAWG. You can take our guided journey through these pages and resources using the interactive carousel below or click on a 'key steps' menu link to read in detail about different approaches and strategies to monitoring, evaluating and learning.

Spotlight Initiative

Approach to data, evidence and learning

Another key pillar of Spotlight Initiative's work has been to support the generation of data, evidence and learning to end VAWG. This has included work with partners to support understanding and use of VAWG data in programming and policymaking as well as improve the quality of VAWG data. In addition, Spotlight Initiative has developed a range of tools, approaches and strategies to improve the monitoring and evaluation of its programmes, including on the following areas: