How will you monitor progress, learn and adapt?

Develop a monitoring and learning plan

Develop a monitoring and learning plan

Developing a monitoring and learning plan is critical for ensuring programme success. It helps to guide implementation and keep a VAWG programme on track and describes processes and activities that different programme parters will carry out to collect, manage, analyse and report data on an ongoing basis throughout the programme implementation. It can help to identify any implementation issues at an early stage, understand how changing circumstances are affecting the programme, allow for timely learning about what is working, and support decisions about any necessary programme adaptations. A monitoring and learning plan should be practical, accessible, feasible, and ethical. It should align with the broader M&E framework and define the indicators to track, data collection sources and methods, frequency of data collection, timeframes, resources, and the individual or team responsible for fathering and analysing data.

Guiding Principles
  • Do no harm approach
  • Participatory Approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative uses a results-based management approach, which provides a framework to monitor objectives, track and report results, and evaluate the effectiveness of its programmes. Spotlight Initiative generates timely, accurate and reliable data from the Spotlight Initiative Performance Monitoring Framework (SPMF) using the online SMART platform, which helps to ensure that the right decisions are taken at the right time to adapt and improve programming.

All regional and country programmes are required to develop a:

  • M&E Plan – which describes major monitoring and evaluation activities that inform and build-upon information in the country/regional programme. It outlines clearly assigned responsibilities for key M&E activities, start dates, available budgets, and the status of these activities. The M&E Plan serves as a key reference for knowledge management and learning opportunities throughout the programme cycle.
  • Spotlight Initiative Performance Monitoring Framework (SPMF) – this is a results-based monitoring tool that guides the collection of data for monitoring and reporting. It builds upon the results, indicators, and baseline information captured in the country/regional programme document, and includes information about sources of data, collection methods, frequency of collection, and responsibilities.

Result / Indicators, Baseline, Milestone, Endline / Target, Data Source / Means of Verification (Collection Method), Responsible Entity / Organisation.

  • Indicators matrix – this lists output and outcome indicators and data sources. Output indicators measure the immediate products or services that result from a programme or project, and their quantity and quality, while outcome indicators measure the specific and measurable changes in behaviour, knowledge, skills, attitudes, or condition that result from a programme or project - including intended and unintended consequences. To learn more about indicators, see page on how to design indicators to measure change.

Spotlight Initiative, together with Count Me In!, also created a Monitoring Toolkit with templates for Spotlight Initiative Civil Society Reference Groups (CS-RGs) to support members of the national, regional and global CS-RGs with monitoring implementation of Spotlight Initiative programmes. This toolkit contains guidance in the following areas (see case study below to access these tools and templates).

1. Guide for civil society reference groups. 2. Indicators for monitoring spotlight processes and systems. 3. Spotlight monitoring plan template. 4. Data compilation and analysis template. 5. Advocacy scorecard template.

Top Tips

How to develop a monitoring and learning plan - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Align with the broader M&E framework
Identify monitoring and learning questions
Clarify indicators against which to track progress
Agree data collection methods
Use monitoring data to inform programme adaptation and learning
Consider capacity, resources, roles and responsibilities, feasibility, and timeline
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