How will you apply learning in your programme?

Capture and share learning

Capture and share learning

Capturing and sharing learning is important to develop high-quality, evidence-based programming to end violence against women and girls (VAWG). Learning in VAWG programmes can take many different forms, including through documenting and sharing innovating approaches, documenting practice-based learning, operational research, and impact evaluations. Sharing these insights widely helps contribute to a collective pool of knowledge that benefits a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, practitioners, and researchers worldwide. It helps others adapt and scale effective strategies to have a greater impact on preventing violence. Sharing learning also contributes to a culture of accountability, where participants, communities, and donors can see the impact of programmes.

Guiding Principles
  • Do no harm approach
  • Participatory Approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

As the largest global effort to end VAWG, Spotlight Initiative was uniquely positioned to build a culture of learning and knowledge exchange across countries/regions that could be used to inform effective programming and policies on EVAWG across the globe. Key approaches and learning include:

  • Developing and implementing a robust Knowledge Management Strategy, which set out Spotlight Initiative's ambition to be an innovation platform for EVAWG, harnessing knowledge, solutions and expertise. Led by the Spotlight Initiative Secretariat at the global level, it outlined the key knowledge management activities, work plan, roles and responsibilities at global and country/regional level.
  • Creating an online knowledge hub: A key element of Spotlight Initiative’s knowledge management is SHINE, an online knowledge hub on ending VAWG. Produced by the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) in collaboration with Spotlight Initiative, SHINE brings together government, civil society, the UN, EU and other practitioners for active engagement and the co-creation of knowledge to end violence against women and girls. See case study on SHINE Hub.
  • Creating knowledge repositories accessible to all programme teams: Spotlight Initiative developed two repositories – the Global Knowledge Product Tracker and the Global Secretariat Technical Repository. These repositories listed more than 1000 knowledge products from across Spotlight Initiative programmes, as well as briefs and reports sharing the lessons and promising approaches on cross-cutting themes. The Secretariat also used the Community of Spotlight Initiative and monthly newsletters to share resources with a broader network working to end violence against women and girls.
  • Convening learning and knowledge exchange events: Spotlight Initiative also focuses on strategic convening and knowledge exchange, hosting global knowledge exchange on topics such as engaging the private sector. Communities of Practice enable different Spotlight Initiative teams to directly upload and share learning with other teams. Through in-person convenings like the Global Learning Symposium, online webinars and online discussions, peer learning and the development of knowledge briefs on various topics, Spotlight Initiative has been able to share learning and foster a global community committed to ending violence against women and girls.

Top Tips

How to capture and share learning - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Determine how learning fits in the broader M&E framework
Develop learning questions
Engage stakeholders to develop a learning agenda
Agree and resource activities to capture learning
Communicate and share findings using various methods
Build a culture of learning and collaboration
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