Women's Movements

Women’s organisations and movements have played a vital role in progress towards ending VAWG – including through years of advocacy for better laws, policies and funding to address violence as well as frontline work in communities to raise awareness about VAWG and provide essential services and support to women and girl survivors. In spite of recent improvements in financing mechanisms for women’s organisations, there is still a need to provide greater financial and technical resources to sustain and expand their critical work.

In this section, you can find tips, lessons and examples of approaches to work with and in support of women's movements to end VAWG. You can take our guided journey through these pages and resources using the interactive carousel below or click on a 'key steps' menu link to read in detail about why and how to work with and strengthen women's rights organisations and movements.

Spotlight Initiative

Approach to working with women's movements

Working with and in support of women's movements has been a central pillar of the Spotlight Initiative's programming to end VAWG. It has partnered with women’s rights organisations at national and local levels across all outcome areas. This has included initiatives to prevent violence, provide support to survivors, engage in research and data collection, and advocate for stronger institutions and legal and policy change. It has also worked strategically to bolster the vital role of women's movements in EVAWG work, including: