How would you like to support women's movements to end VAWG?

Facilitate women's movement building

Facilitate women's movement building

Women’s movement building and feminist movement building are important for bringing together diverse women’s rights organisations (WROs), activists, feminists, grassroots organisers and allies to achieve change on a larger scale. Movement building helps identify common goals, share lessons and networks, and moves away from working in siloes. Movement building also helps to amplify the voices of structurally marginalised and discriminated groups of women and girls, including women and girls of different ages, ethnicities or religions, disabilities, sexual orientations and gender identities, and political affiliations. While practitioners cannot force the creation of women’s movements, they can help build momentum for and facilitate the strengthening of women’s movements by providing long-term, core and flexible funding to activists, supporting knowledge creation and learning exchanges and advocating for women's movements to be at the forefront of efforts to end VAWG. 

Guiding principles
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Intersectional approach
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative has prioritised direct support to facilitate and strengthen women’s rights and feminist movement building in a number of ways and learned some key lessons:

Directly address the resourcing gap through an inclusive, human rights-based and feminist approach to funding that disrupts the existing landscape and shifts funds and decision making to grassroots and local women’s rights organisations. Spotlight Initiative programmes allocated 48%, or about USD 190 million, of activity funds to civil society organisations, and of this, 79% reached national, local and grassroots organisations, and 73% was invested directly in women’s organisations.

Support women’s movements representing women and girls from diverse backgrounds. Of Spotlight Initiative funding, 34% of all civil society awards reached adolescent girls, 24% reached rural women, 23% reached women and girls with disabilities and 60% reached other marginalised groups.

Drive core resources to women’s movements and organisations including through partnerships with women’s funds. Spotlight Initiative has invested a total of USD 23 million in core institutional funding globally. For example, the Spotlight Initiative Pacific Regional Programme reported that, by supporting independent women’s funds in the region, the programme was able to directly contribute to the strengthening of movement-building and the growth of smaller women’s funds.

Support regional women’s movement building. For example, Spotlight Initiative supported the establishment of the first-ever transnational federation of Filipino domestic and care workers unions and associations. This brought together over 7,000 Filipino domestic and care workers working across the region to develop shared goals and advocate for change to end VAWG.

Develop communities of practice to share learning within the women’s movement. Through the Pacific Regional Programme, Spotlight Initiative supported the establishment of the Pacific Feminist Community of Practice. This brought together over 80 activists across 20 CSOs to share and document best practices in feminist discourse and movement building across the Pacific Island Region.

Facilitate connections between WROs and other key stakeholders to bolster the position of the women’s movement. Spotlight Initiative’s strategic position, led by the UN Resident Coordinator in each country, enables it to play an important role in bringing WROs, government stakeholders, and INGOs together, which provides opportunities for advocacy on EVAWG programming as well as expanding civic space.

Support women’s movements and organisations to hold governments to account, and to advocate for legislative changes. For example:

  • In 2022, Spotlight Initiative supported the women’s rights organisation El Instituto De Estudios de la Mujer in El Salvador to produce a shadow report on the El Salvadoran state’s compliance with the recommendations issued by United Nations Treaty Bodies on VAWG. This involved establishing a consultative process to capture diverse perspectives from women and girls in multiple districts. See case study below.
  • In Uganda, Spotlight Initiative worked with the National Association of Women’s Organisations to advocate for the passage of an ordinance on the prevention of gender-based violence in Amudat District. Spotlight Initiative trained 75 women from a variety of women’s movements on how to identify and influence duty bearers. Following these efforts, District Community Development Officers committed to prioritising groups of women with disabilities for government programmes.

Top Tips

How to facilitate women's movement building - top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Map and understand the women's movement landscape
Support women’s movements' convenings and access to spaces
Enable self and collective care for women's rights activists
Support the development of common goals and strategies
Promote inclusivity, including of marginalised women
Develop feminist accountability mechanisms
Amplify messages through networks