Why invest in programming to end VAWG?

Make the case to invest in ending VAWG

Make the case to invest in ending VAWG

To make a compelling case to donors and national governments for investing in ending violence against women and girls (EVAWG), it is useful to highlight both the moral imperative and the far-reaching social and economic impacts of violence. VAWG is a fundamental breach of women and girls human rights, impacting their own and their families' education, health and societal contribution. VAWG is also a strong indicator of a lack of peace and societal wellbeing.

VAWG also has huge economic costs, estimated to be around 2% of global GDP, or US$ 1.5 trillion. Economic costs have been calculated in different ways, but usually include: direct and indirect costs incurred by survivors and their families for medical and legal fees as well as loss of income due to illness or injury; wider societal costs for prevention and support services provided by government agencies; and the impact of lost productivity on national GDP due to absenteeism by survivors and perpetrators. We now know that preventing VAWG is possible in programmatic timeframes and that these costs could be saved, allowing the funds to be used for other important purposes.

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Guiding Principles
  • Transformative approach
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative was designed to shift from isolated, project-based efforts to a comprehensive well-funded approach for addressing VAWG, which is aligned with national development priorities and works to accelerate progress to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

It also marks a significant step in UN reform, using a whole-system 'One UN' approach that leverages coordinated and coherent funding and places women and girls at the centre of its efforts.

As one of the first large-scale initiatives focused solely on eliminating VAWG, Spotlight Initiative serves as a demonstration fund of the need for a bold, comprehensive approach. Read more about Spotlight Initiative’s role as a high-impact financing model for eliminating VAWG.

The Imperative to Invest report brings together evidence from Spotlight Initiative and over 100+ impact evaluations to make the case for investing in eliminating violence against women and girls. It draws on learnings from Spotlight Initiative as well as over 20 external experts. 

Top Tips

How to make the case to invest in ending VAWG - top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Identify supporting evidence to make the case for investing resources
Invest in evidence-based approaches that maximise investments
Identify opportunities to generate impact at scale
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