Why and how to adopt a comprehensive approach?

Design a comprehensive VAWG programme

Design a comprehensive VAWG programme

A comprehensive approach to programming to end violence against women and girls (VAWG) recognises that there are a complex range of factors that can put people at risk of or protect them from experiencing or perpetrating violence – at individual, interpersonal, community, institutional and societal levels. Thus, programmes need to work across these levels and across sectors to ensure both effective prevention of violence and provision of response services for survivors. This involves collaborating with a range of stakeholders at local and national levels to create an enabling environment for and implement actions to bring about positive change including: women’s rights organisations (WROs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), national and local governments, service providers, community and religious leaders, UN agencies, donors, the private sector, academia and the media. 

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Guiding Principles
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Disability inclusion
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

A comprehensive theory of change: At the onset, Spotlight Initiative identified four key outcome areas that programming should work to strengthen in order to comprehensively address the root causes, drivers and consequences of VAWG:

A) Laws, policies and institutions (including data collection)
B) Prevention (including social norms change and women's economic empowerment)
C) Response (services for survivors and accountability of perpetrators)
D) Support to and partnership with women’s movements.

This theory of change provides a framework for stakeholders to select and adapt interventions to their context and the needs of women and girls in targeted areas, including those often left behind.

Spotlight Initiative Theory of Change

Whole-of society, whole-of-government approach: Spotlight Initiative focuses on bringing UN agencies together with multiple government agencies, civil society organisations, service providers, communities, traditional and faith leaders, the private sector, academia, the media, and others. These partnerships support the Initiative to collaboratively identify and implement the most effective, contextually driven interventions to end VAWG. Taking a multi-stakeholder approach helps to place ending VAWG at the centre of national development priorities, while supporting local communities to address violence themselves. Engagement of Heads of State at the highest level makes a significant difference to administrative and institutional responses, accountability and integration across relevant line ministries; demonstrates political will; ensures allocation of sufficient financial and human resources, and builds ownership and sustainability. Spotlight Initiative Programmes have been endorsed and sometimes launched by Heads of State and required sustained government engagement at the highest level.

One-UN approach: Spotlight Initiative has taken a “One-UN” approach to programming and is a demonstration fund for UN reform with key elements including: (1) Pooled funding; (2) Resident Coordinator responsibility for overall coordination of programmes and acts as a single line of accountability for UN engagement; (3) Programmes are implemented by an agreed number of recipient UN Agencies, chosen on the basis of their context-specific expertise, with a strong emphasis on new models of coordination, synergies and cooperation within UN country teams. Read more about Operating as One UN in EVAWG Programming

Top Tips

How to design a comprehensive VAWG programme - top tips from the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Take a whole-of-society approach to partnerships
Focus on cross-organisation relationship building
Strengthen national government and regional institutions to end VAWG
Address multiple risk factors through VAWG prevention programming
Take a multi-sectoral approach to high quality service provision
Improve the quality, accuracy and availability of data on VAWG
Amplify and strengthen women’s rights and civil society movements