Do you want to work to reform national policies?

Develop a national EVAWG plan or policy

Develop a national EVAWG plan or policy

Many countries have developed national action plans on ending violence against women and girls (EVAWG) in recognition of the need to move beyond fragmented, piecemeal efforts towards a coordinated, multi-sectoral policy framework.

Shared vision Coordinated Holistic (i.e. activities at different levels) Whole-of-government in partnership with CSOs and academia Inclusive (i.e. centring the diverse experiences of women most at risk of violence) Whole-of-population (i.e. engaging everyone)

This can demonstrate the government’s commitment to addressing VAWG, set out a clear roadmap for action, and help ensure that activities are comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable. 

The key elements that are important when developing a comprehensive, effective national action plan or policy are shown here.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

A key focus of Spotlight Initiative has been to strengthen mechanisms for the implementation of laws and policies through supporting the development of national and sub-national action plans on ending VAWG, under Pillar 1 (Laws and Policies) and Pillar 2 (Institutions). Key approaches and learning include:

  • At a country level, Spotlight Initiative programmes have supported 43 countries to strengthen their national action plans to end violence against women and girls. In 2022, Spotlight Initiative also helped develop 80 new plans, strategies or programmes to address violence against women and girls across six other sectors: Health, education, justice, security, social services and culture.

43 countries strengthened their National Action Plans to eliminate violence against women and girls since the start of the Initiative. In 2022, 80new plans, strategies or programmes to address violence against women and girls were developed across 6 sectors.

  • Spotlight Initiative programmes also helped support ownership through supporting the decentralisation of plans at the subnational, municipal and provincial levels (e.g. in Argentina, Honduras, Grenada, and Timor-Leste). For example, in Kyrgyzstan, Spotlight Initiative supported the adoption of the country’s first National Action Plan on Gender Equality, which included a specific decentralisation strategy. This plan marked a significant step in decentralising gender equality issues, including the prevention and response to violence, to the local level - a first for a national strategy.
  • To support the implementation of national EVAWG plans, Spotlight Initiative contributed to a tenfold increase in budget allocations across 14 countries’ national budgets to address violence against women and girls. During the period until 2022, 94% of the targeted countries either maintained or increased their budget allocations to end violence and advance gender equality.

Top Tips

How to develop a national EVAWG plan or policy – top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Analyse the context and readiness for a national plan or policy
Engage a wide range of stakeholders
Include a comprehensive and phased programme of activities
Ensure the plan is properly costed and funded
Put in place processes to monitor, evaluate and adapt
Strengthen institutional capacity to implement the plan