What will your engagement strategy be and why?

Develop an EVAWG influencing strategy

Develop an EVAWG influencing strategy

Influencing refers to a range of systematic efforts to engage with relevant institutions at different levels to address the structural causes of violence against women and girls (VAWG). This might include work to challenge unequal gender and power relationships, develop or strengthen laws to end VAWG, and transform harmful attitudes, behaviours and social norms. Influencing can take many forms and can include strategies for capacity building (for individuals and/or institutions), direct advocacy with duty bearers to change laws, policies and processes, convening and mobilising stakeholders, supporting social movements and civil society. A successful VAWG influencing strategy requires ongoing commitment, collaboration, and adaptability based on the context and evolving situation.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative has engaged in and supported a range of strategic work to influence changes in the structural environment which enables VAWG. This has included the following approaches and learning:

  • Working to influence high-level political leaders and local governments to support initiatives to end VAWG. For example, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Nigeria, the Heads of State have officially expressed their strong support for the elimination of VAWG, signalling longer term priority and political commitment to this issue.
  • Supporting development of National Action Plans to end VAWG. To strengthen the implementation of laws and policies, and improve sustainability of efforts to end violence against women and girls, by 2022, Spotlight Initiative had influenced the development of national action plans to eliminate violence against women and girls and advance gender equality in 43 countries. Read more on developing a National EVAW plan or policy.
  • Investing in diverse partnerships at multiple levels. Spotlight Initiative has found that investing in diverse partnerships at global, regional and country levels is a key way to influence large-scale change and contribute to ending VAWG. In particular, Spotlight Initiative focuses on meaningfully engaging civil society, including local and grassroots groups and feminist and women’s rights groups, governments, international development actors, faith-based organisations, academia, influencers and private sector actors, among others. Read more about establishing effective partnerships.
  • Include partners in governance structures. To ensure a variety of stakeholders can influence systematic change, Spotlight Initiative programme-level governance structure includes government, donor, UN and civil society representatives. Read more about setting up effective governance mechanisms.
  • Supporting the advocacy and influencing work of CSOs and WROs. Through Pillar 6, Spotlight Initiative has prioritised direct support to women’s rights and feminist organisations and movements, including grassroots organisations, to ensure greater influence and agency. In 2022, nearly 1,800 local and grassroots women’s rights organisations involved in Spotlight Initiative programmes reported having greater influence and agency to work on ending VAWG. In particular, the organisations reported strengthened capacity to engage with planning processes, formal legislative and policy processes, and accountability structures. Read more on working with women's movements.

Top Tips

How to develop a VAWG influencing strategy - top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Identify the issue or problem you wish to influence
Clarify the strategic goal and objectives
Map potential stakeholders to influence
Select appropriate influencing tactics
Establish partnerships and collaboration
Use communication technologies to bolster influencing
Monitor and adapt influencing work