What are the national policy commitments in your context?

Analyse the national policy, legal and institutional environment

Analyse the national policy, legal and institutional environment

Long–term sustainable progress to reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG) requires national-level commitment and action. An essential part of this is the development and implementation of a policy and legal framework which protects women and girls' rights, enables their full and equal participation, and criminalises all forms of VAWG. It also requires political will, institutional capacity and the allocation of resources to drive and sustain change. When designing a VAWG programme, it is therefore important to start with an analysis of the current national policy, legal and institutional environment. This analysis can identify key decision-makers and potential barriers and enablers of programme success and help you to determine an appropriate strategy to support positive reforms. It is important to ensure ongoing monitoring of the national political and institutional environment and update this analysis, especially around key events such as elections. 

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Analysis of the legal and policy landscape is a key first step in programme development. The Spotlight Initiative Pillar Guidance Note, recommends that, as part of pillar 1, all programmes assess the legislative and policy framework including customary/religious/indigenous laws. It proposes that programmes assess coherence with international and regional standards, gaps and inconsistencies in content, implementation weaknesses, existing investments and budget allocations as well as quality of monitoring mechanisms for enforcement of the laws. In 2020, over 13 Spotlight Initiative programmes conducted assessments and reviews of legal and policy frameworks related to VAWG and harmful practices.  

Use a range of methods for conducting analysis of the national policy and legal environment. All Spotlight Initiative programmes were advised to conduct baseline studies during the inception phase including of the national policy and legal environment. These included reviews of existing policies and laws, data and reports, but also entailed key informant interviews, focus group discussions and observations. The latter helped to ensure the analysis was politically informed and assessed opportunities and barriers and entry points for reform. 

Engaging with a range of stakeholders to analyse the national policy and legal environment. In Grenada, Honduras, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, Spotlight Initiative programmes conducted assessments and reviews of the legal and policy environment related to VAWG and harmful practices. These reviews engaged a wide range of stakeholders through their analysis. This ensured a variety of perspectives on the current landscape were considered. Participants included survivors and marginalised groups, who had lived experience of the way that the national policy and legal context can affect various population groups – and their experience of violence and response services - differently.  

Analysis of the national policy and legal environment is key to designing context-appropriate initiatives. For example, in the Caribbean region, an analysis of the national policy and legal environment identified significant gaps in legislation to protect women and girls from sexual violence in families, implementation of existing sexual violence legislation and lack of a functioning sexual offenders registry. Drawing on this analysis, the Spotlight Initiative programme in Jamaica supported advocacy efforts to introduce local legislation that addressed VAWG and family violence and supported the establishment of a Parliamentary Caucus on VAWG including family violence. In Grenada, the Spotlight Initiative programme focused on establishing a family court system to streamline the processing of domestic violence and child abuse cases to improve women and girls’ access to justice.  

Sources: Spotlight Initiative (2019) Spotlight Initiative Global Annual Report; Spotlight Initiative (2020) Spotlight Initiative Global Annual Report

Top Tips

How to analyse the national policy, legal and institutional Environment - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Use context-appropriate methods to conduct the analysis
Identify key decision-makers who could support or block efforts to end VAWG
Identify laws and policies that support or hinder efforts to end VAWG
Identify differences between national and sub-national contexts
Analyse both state laws and traditional and religious laws
Analyse options to support engagement of women and marginalised groups
Update analysis regularly, especially following political change
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