Do you want to address social norms?

Understand and transform social norms

Understand and transform social norms

Social norms are the shared beliefs about what constitutes typical and appropriate behaviour within a specific social ‘reference’ group. They play a critical role in shaping individual attitudes and behaviours as individuals anticipate whether they will gain social approval or disapproval for acting in a particular way. In many contexts, dominant social norms normalise and justify gender inequalities and the use of violence against women and girls (VAWG). Changing these norms is therefore important for preventing VAWG.

However, transforming predominant social norms takes time and the process can be non-linear. Norms often have a complex relationship with attitudes and behaviours, with influence flowing in both directions. However, by reaching a ‘tipping point’ where enough people in a community adopt new, positive behaviours and expectations, it is possible to shift the perception and reality of what is considered normal and end violence against women and girls.

Illustrative lists of behaviours, attitudes and social norms on VAWG
Source: Social Norms Atlas: Understanding global social norms and related concepts (2021) page 31.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative places substantive focus on the role of social norm change as a catalyst for change across multiple pillars of its work. It recognises that social norms shape everyday expectations about people's behaviours and are embedded in formal institutions, laws and policies. Key approaches and learnings about understanding and transforming social norms include:

  • Supporting women’s movements and CSOs with the skills and resources to build a global movement for social change is also one of the most effective and sustainable ways of transforming social norms.
  • Use a holistic approach to transforming social norms at community level, including community mobilisation approaches and using champions of change, celebrities and opinion leaders. For example, Spotlight Initiative has supported the replication, adoption and scale-up of the SASA! approach to change social norms across many countries, including in Haiti, and Uganda.
  • Address social norms in training and school curricula. Spotlight Initiative has also partnered with academia, civil society, government and rights holders to develop and institutionalise curricula and strategies to educate and socialise norms that promote gender equality.
  • Engage with new technology and media platforms to encourage reflection on norms. Spotlight Initiative has also piloted the use of technology and social and traditional media to shift social norms in new and innovative ways. For example, Spotlight Initiative has partnered with UN Global Advocates and the Social Good Club to work with social media influencers to develop a Culture Change Commitment to start to shift attitudes and norms about different forms of violence on social media channels.


Top Tips

How to transform social norms - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Conduct context-specific analysis to identify norms
Review intervention approaches to transform social norms
Identify implementing partners committed to gender-transformative approaches
Design programmes in line with best practice on social norms approaches
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