Who should be involved in developing an M&E strategy?

Use participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches

Use participatory monitoring and evaluation approaches

Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PME) is a process to ensure direct engagement with civil society and rights-holders in the monitoring and evaluation of a programme. It ensures that a wide representation of local stakeholders and community members, including women’s rights activists and organisations, are actively engaged and participate meaningfully in programming. A participatory approach involves engagement at different stages of M&E: design of M&E framework, design of and conducting data collection, data analysis and reporting. Practice-based knowledge lies at the core of this approach, so PME can help generate high-quality information by surfacing lessons-learned and promising practices grounded within the local context. When done well, this approach can empower participants and reframe programme dynamics from ‘top down’ into mutual engagement and learning opportunities.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Grounded in the recognition of women and girls as rights holders and change-makers in their communities, Spotlight Initiative is committed to implementing a participatory approach to programming, including in its monitoring, evaluation and reporting activities. Spotlight Initiative programmes have implemented participatory monitoring and evaluation (PME) in different ways.

Key approaches and learning include:

  • Engaging rights holders in monitoring work: Members of WROs, CSOs and direct beneficiaries were engaged to collect and analyse monitoring data on the progress of various projects and activities implemented by Spotlight Initiative partners.
  • Supporting Civil Society Reference Group members in the development of scorecards to hold Spotlight Initiative accountable. See the Advocacy Scorecard Template
  • Strengthening the capacity of civil society to hold local government accountable through their own use of participatory monitoring and social accountability tools. 
  • Supporting knowledge exchange on participatory M&E. In 2021, the Spotlight Initiative Secretariat hosted a virtual global knowledge exchange on how to implement Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) in Spotlight Initiative programming at country and regional levels. The session was structured around knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer dialogue, with Spotlight Initiative Coordinators, M&E Officers and civil society representatives from Spotlight Initiative Civil Society Reference Groups. In particular, the country programmes from Niger, Malawi, and Belize shared specific experiences incorporating PME into their programmes, highlighting any challenges and how these have been or are being mitigated.

Top Tips

How to use participatory monitoring, evaluation and reporting approaches - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Promote participatory approaches to address inequality and unequal power dynamics
Establish PMER working groups
Optimise and plan for efficient implementation
Apply a range of participatory techniques and tools
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