Do you understand how to use and improve VAWG data?

Understand and use VAWG data

Understand and use VAWG data

Addressing violence against women and girls requires high-quality, disaggregated data. Existing data can offer crucial insights into the prevalence, patterns, causes and consequences of different forms of VAWG as well as the impacts of initiatives to prevent and respond to violence. Several countries regularly collect nationally representative data on VAWG through surveys (for example on VAWG prevalence and risk factors) as well as administrative data (to measure incidents reported to the police, health facilities and other services). However, there are significant gaps in the collection of comprehensive, disaggregated data on all forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) and harmful practices, as well as in the consistent use and interpretation of this data. Efforts to improve the understanding and use of VAWG data can help with the development of effective, targeted interventions over the longer term.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Improving the understanding, consolidation and use of VAWG data is a key element of Spotlight Initiative under Pillar 5 (Data), which focuses on improving the quality, accuracy, availability and application of VAWG data. Key approaches and learning include:

  • Undertaking mappings of existing VAWG data collection and management systems: In some countries, Spotlight Initiative programmes have undertaken an assessment of existing VAWG data and data management systems to identify good practices and gaps in order to provide guidance on how to understand, use and improve data for women and girls. For example, in Malawi, an assessment was undertaken that aimed to provide recommendations for improved data management, including legal and policy decisions and new programmes.
  • Supporting the creation of national databases to track different forms of VAWG and harmful practices. These create one stop portals for organisations to report, view and compare data across time and place and are a key way to get data into use. For example, in Mozambique, Spotlight Initiative supported the gender-based violence cases data management system InfoViolência (see case study below).
  • Getting data online, published and disseminated: In some contexts, Spotlight Initiative has supported the development of public online data systems to improve wider accessibility to and use of VAWG data for advocacy, planning and programming. For example, in Grenada, Spotlight Initiative worked with state statistics bodies to establish an online data platform for administrative data on VAWG. (see case study below).
  • Supporting partners to understand and use existing VAWG data available at national and global level. For example, national level prevalence data can be found on the interactive data visualisation platform: WHO Global Database on the Prevalence of Violence against Women.
  • Translating data into action. Spotlight Initiative have developed innovative mechanisms to disseminate and leverage data, for example, the Latin America Regional Programme mapped 688 GBV prevention strategies from 18 countries, leading to key recommendations on how to better prevent violence and the development of an innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool with Brazil’s National Justice Council to improve the justice sector’s response to femicide.

A growing data ecosystem. 58% of countries in which the initiative works now have publicly available data on femicide, reported on a regular basis.

Top Tips

How to understand and use VAWG data - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Understand and use a range of high-quality data sources
Recognise limitations and biases of data sources
Promote data literacy and understanding
Follow ethical principles when sharing and using VAWG data
Consider any potential risks when using new data tools such as AI
Present data appropriately to inform decision-making and advocacy