How will you measure change and impact?

Design indicators to measure change

Design indicators to measure change

A key part of robust monitoring and evaluation is to design indicators to track change and measure progress towards programme goals. An indicator is a quantitative or qualitative measure used to assess whether or not a specified result of a programme or project has been achieved. Good indicators are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART).

Indicators are only as good as the quality of the data used to measure them, so it’s important to consider the context of interventions when designing them. If it’s not feasible to collect data for an indicator, or the data that can be collected are not meaningful, the indicator will have little or no utility. Equally, collecting data can carry risks, so it’s also important to uphold best practice and ensure alignment with ethical practice when conducting research and studies on VAWG. 

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative uses a tailored monitoring and reporting online tool (SMART platform), which allows all Spotlight Initiative programme teams to report qualitative and quantitative data on indicators and sub-indicators. Key approaches and learning on designing indicators include:

Ensuring disaggregated reporting against indicators: Spotlight Initiative has aimed to ensure data disaggregation and reporting by income, sex, age, ethnicity, disability and geographic location at a minimum. Data disaggregation has also been pursued for other characteristics relevant in national contexts over the lifespan of the country programmes, such as marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity, economic and social situation.

Develop methodological notes for key indicators: To ensure that indicators are understood and well used across contexts, Spotlight Initiative developed a methodological note for each indicator in the Global Results Framework. These notes provide: a specific definition; unit of measurement; source(s) of data; approaches to data collection, measurement and calculation; and data entry into the Spotlight Initiative Online Platform. The methodological note also links the indicators to Spotlight Initiative results and SDG indicators.

Key indicators defined in Spotlight Initiative’s data, monitoring, and learning framework allow for the collection of detailed metrics, including:

  • Number of laws and policies signed to end violence against women and girls
  • Percentage of national budgets invested in ending violence against women and girls
  • Integration of GBV in Governments' sectoral and development plans
  • Number of women and girls who access gender-based violence services
  • Number of perpetrators brought to justice
  • Number of men and boys who receive education on positive masculinity
  • Number of people who are reached by GBV prevention campaigns
  • Funding allocated to civil society organisations
  • Perceived level of influence reported by women’s rights organisations

Top Tips

How to design indicators to measure change - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Design indicators to collect needed data at different levels
Include quantitative and qualitative measurements for change
Ensure indicators are SMART and coherent
Specify the level of disaggregation required
Consider the challenges and risks of VAWG data collection
Design indicators with diverse stakeholders