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In Kyrgyzstan, Spotlight Initiative worked with parliamentarians to end violence against women and girls. A key achievement was the establishment of the Council on the Rights of Women, Children, and Gender Equality in 2022, by order of the Torago of the Jogorku Kenesh (the Speaker of the Parliament). This Council serves as a crucial liaison between parliamentarians and women’s rights organisations. It supported the development of a strategic action plan for 2023-2026, focused on enhancing civic engagement in law-making. This plan facilitated the participation of women’s rights groups…
In Trinidad and Tobago, Spotlight Initiative worked closely with the Office of the Prime Minister Gender and Child Affairs Division (OPM GCA) to support consultations for a National Strategic Action Plan (NSAP) on GBV. Although a plan had previously been developed for the period 2016-2020, it did not receive Cabinet approval and it was not until 2020, with the launch of Spotlight Initiative, that the persistent advocacy efforts spearheaded by UN Women's Caribbean regional office came to fruition.
“Spotlight Initiative allowed it [NSAP] to be back on the table as an important document in…
The Safe and Fair programme is part of Spotlight Initiative. It aims to ensure that labour migration is safe and fair for all women in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region. Implemented by ILO and UN Women, along with UNODC, the programme recognizes that women migrant workers in ASEAN countries are at an increased risk of violence, trafficking and exploitation. Addressing these challenges requires a nuanced understanding of both global, regional and national frameworks.
The Safe and Fair programme helped to develop guidance for Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as an…
The Spotlight Initiative Africa Regional Programme (SIARP) undertook a comprehensive mapping and assessment to understand the implementation status of laws, policies, action plans, financing and capabilities of states in Africa to end violence against women and girls (EVAWG). Despite the existence of various EVAWG-related frameworks and regional strategies, significant implementation gaps were identified.
“All we need is to implement our commitments. It’s great to see regional partners coming together to develop a Regional Action Plan to eliminate violence against women and girls.” -…
Spotlight Initiative’s Kyrgyzstan Programme revised and updated existing ethical guidelines and protocols for data collection, sharing and reporting on SGBV/VAWG, and integrating confidentiality and safety provisions. In 2022, the programme provided capacity development to the Office of the National Statistics Committee (NSC), and other responsible public bodies on collecting statistics based on recent legislative amendments related to gender-based violence, to develop standardised reporting forms and ethical protocols for the use of VAWG data as well as digitise case management. These efforts…
In 2021, the Spotlight Initiative team in Malawi conducted a mid-term assessment to take stock of the first phase of the Spotlight Initiative programme, which ran from 2019-2022. The aim was to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the programme and to develop relevant recommendations to improve project implementation.
The evaluation team conducted Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with 62 individuals. These were spread across national and sub-national levels and included six government officials, three EU Delegation staff…
In Argentina, the Women's Office of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, the Specialised Prosecutor's Unit on Violence against Women of the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of Security of the Nation are responsible for recording, systematising and analysing information on femicides. To promote inter-agency communication and harmonise the gathering and measuring of national femicide data, the Spotlight Initiative programme in Argentina provided technical assistance to the agencies to construct comparable indicators to measure the violent deaths of women in the country.
At its inception, Spotlight Initiative developed a Global Results Framework including a range of indicators measuring specific outputs, from which country programmes then selected indicators as appropriate to their context. The framework features impact, outcome and output indicators, with annual reporting documenting progress at the country level.
One indicator example is Output 2.2: Multi-stakeholder national and/or sub-national coordination mechanisms established at the highest level and/or strengthened that are adequately funded and include multi-sectoral representation and…
The Spotlight Initiative established the first-ever National GBV Data Situation Room and Dashboard, in close collaboration with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Women Affairs (FMWA) and other partners. This innovative data management and visualization platform is designed to enable a systematic collation of VAWG cases using a bottom-up approach from the community to national levels. The online reporting platform is a critical component of the initiative, providing timely analytics and real-time visualization of validated administrative data on reported GBV cases in Nigeria.
"Knowing that the…
Spotlight Initiative in Grenada worked in close collaboration with national partners to develop an online data system to improve the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women and girls. The online platform was developed in 2022 with the Central Statistical Office and the National Data Centre of Grenada, following extensive consultation with civil society and with key stakeholders in the public sector, including the Royal Grenada Police Force.
“The adoption of a data collection system that produces harmonized statistics that informs policy directives and evidence…