Do you understand why M&E is important?

Get started with M&E

Get started with M&E

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is critical for understanding and improving programmes that aim to end violence against women and girls (VAWG). M&E helps to track the effectiveness of programmes, manage risks, and understand what works to prevent and respond to violence globally. In simple terms, monitoring involves collecting regular data during implementation to track programme activities in line with the design and work plan, and monitor risks and unintended consequences. Evaluation looks at whether the programme achieves its goals and why, by examining everything from the activities to the final impacts. Well-designed and implemented M&E involves sharing learning with key stakeholders, including those affected by the programme. This helps everyone understand what is working and what isn't, leading to any necessary adaptations as well as better decisions in the longer term about how to design and implement VAWG programmes.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative’s approach to M&E at a global level involves continuous monitoring and evaluation of all programmes by the country teams, which feeds into a central level SMART platform that is used to monitor and collect data on results.

Spotlight Initiative’s monitoring and reporting online tool (SMART platform) allows all programme teams to report qualitative and quantitative data on indicators. This online platform contributes to a more integrated way of reporting by United Nations agencies, strengthens quality assurance and facilitates the consolidation, aggregation and visualisation of results (data reported and corresponding infographics in Spotlight Initiative’s global annual report are produced directly using the Initiative’s SMART platform).

Spotlight Initiative, together with Count Me In!, also created a Monitoring Toolkit with templates for Spotlight Initiative Civil Society Reference Groups (CS-RGs) to support members of the national, regional and global CS-RGs with monitoring implementation of Spotlight Initiative programmes.

Overall, the Spotlight Initiative M&E approach is designed to ensure that programmes are:

  • relevant to and aligned with regional, national and local needs and priorities;
  • implemented according to plan and contributing to defined result(s);
  • sustainably managed and owned by communities and rights holders;
  • able to capture unintended outcomes, challenges and/or bottlenecks and are subsequently able to course correct;
  • generating learning; and
  • accountable to stakeholders.

Top Tips

How to get started with M&E - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Plan M&E from the very beginning
Design M&E around guiding principles
Develop an M&E framework
Choose an evaluation design
Design a monitoring plan
Ensure safe and ethical data collection
Support adaptation and scale-up
Safely address backlash and unintended consequences