How will you ensure sustainability?

Improve programme sustainability

Improve programme sustainability

Improving EVAWG programme sustainability is essential for long-term, transformative change to end violence against women and girls (VAWG). To ensure that positive programme impacts continue long after the programme ends, it is crucial to plan for sustainability right from the very start during the programme design phase and then to continue to plan for this through implementation, closure or scale-up. Sustainability involves meaningfully engaging communities, optimising resources, advocating for policy change, empowering individuals, and seeking to diversify funding sources.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Plan for sustainability from the onset: Spotlight Initiative programmes considered the sustainability of interventions from the onset. Key approaches have included: ensure high-level engagement of government throughout implementation; support key national level interventions such as national action plans, advocacy for GBV budgets, capacity development of national institutions, and meaningful engagement of civil society at all levels.

Sharing lessons on sustainability: To sustain Spotlight Initiative’s momentum and results, the Secretariat has been sharing lessons and promising practices of how to improve programme sustainability. A guidance note on sustainability was developed that outlined key principles and components of a sustainability strategy, and processes for development as well as suggested interventions to strengthen the sustainability of impact and results. Furthermore, a sustainability guidance note on civil society engagement has been developed and shared. Peer exchanges were also facilitated among Spotlight Initiative programmes on SHINE Hub. 

Developing sustainability plans: Spotlight Initiative programmes have all developed comprehensive sustainability plans. These plans outline the transition timelines, roles and responsibilities of key partners (including government and civil society), and funding mechanisms and have been developed collectively with the Spotlight Initiative’s key stakeholders (such as community actors, survivors, feminist movements, etc.).

As part of developing their sustainability plans, Spotlight Initiative programmes conducted in-depth assessments of programme activities to identify which elements should be continued, discontinued, or adapted. Programmes placed a significant focus on the strengthening of institutional gender units and the institutionalisation of EVAWG as a political priority in national government action plans and budgets. Programmes also invested heavily in the capacity building of key actors, creating an inventory to maintain critical tools and resources, and establishing or strengthening coordination platforms to facilitate ongoing networking and advocacy among women's movements and ensure regional coordination on EVAWG. 

Top Tips

How to improve programme sustainability – top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Establish national ownership and accountability through meaningful engagement
Leverage relationships with traditional and non-traditional community actors
Support capacity strengthening and skills development of partners
Create a sustainability strategy and transition plan
Secure long-term financial commitments