The Spotlight Initiative in Nigeria particularly focused on providing services to the most vulnerable women and girls and those experiencing multiple forms of discrimination.
Direct beneficiaries: 1,506,60 | Indirect beneficiaries: 29,585,214
Through an Innovating as One approach, elements of joint programmatic and operational innovation are integrated across Spotlight Initiative and are a key elements in driving collaboration. Innovation allows partners to test new initiatives and approaches that are “business unusual” and scale-up and replicate effective solutions that work.
Embrace data innovation: Explore new forms and sources of data such as mobile, radio and citizen-generated data and test the value of open data for real-time monitoring. Example: capture radio data on informal marriages prevalence not reported through traditional channels.
Improve services through user-centric approaches such as design-thinking and crowdsourcing and explore approaches to better include those furthest behind. Use U-report to generate ideas: U-report an SMS-based mobile platform designed for young people to have their voices heard on issues that affect them.
Foster networks for social mobilization and engage the wider public around specific issues or to act as agents of change. Examples: Influencers call for the provision of services to survivors; peer-to-peer approaches to promote access to prevention and response centres; targeting private sector to put in place internal measures to prevent gender-based violence.
Leverage data and behavioural insights to better diagnose issues and design evidence-based communication and advocacy interventions aiming to nudge behaviors. Example: Communication campaign based on behavioural insights encouraging victims to report incidents.
UN agencies
National Focal Point: Hadiza Aminu
National reference group
List of members