
Our results are unprecedented

Illustration by Sol Cotti

It’s estimated that by 2025, Spotlight Initiative will have conservatively prevented 21 million women and girls from experiencing gender-based violence and helped nearly one million girls to stay in school. That's because Spotlight Initiative's comprehensive approach to eliminating violence against women and girls can be 70 to 90 per cent more effective than project-based or siloed approaches.

We have been recognized as a High-Impact Initiative of the United Nations because of our strong results and our ability to drive progress across all of the Sustainable Development Goals.

That’s how transformative our work is; ending violence against women and girls also helps the world achieve its goals in development, peace and security, and in humanitarian settings.

Read more in 'Unprecedented: A Pathway for Ending Violence against Women and Girls'.


Impact in numbers

A scale with diverse women and girls around it
laws or policies passed
A female judge in court
the conviction rate for gender-based violence
Two women looks at symbols representing essential services
3 million
women accessed gender-based violence services
Six diverse men sit around a table in the shape of a speech bubble
6 million
men and boys were educated
A diverse group of girls and boys reading and playing sport
8 million
young people joined gender equality programmes
Diverse women stand in front of jar filled with coins
$195 million
was delivered to civil society organizations
A women holds out a hand to help another woman up some stairs
countries strengthened National Action Plans
Four diverse women stand beside each other
women's rights groups increased their influence
Woman speaks into megaphone decorated with images of diverse women and men
384 million
people were reached by prevention campaigns

Learn more

Read 'Unprecedented: A Pathway for Ending Violence against Women and Girls'