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The Kitgum District local government in Uganda has developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to guide the provision of GBV services by partners in the region. The document describes the roles, responsibilities, guiding principles, and procedures for prevention of and response to any form of GBV by service area, namely medical, psychosocial, safety and security, and legal support.
The SOPs take a survivor-centred and multi-sectoral approach, focusing on joint coordination to ease accessibility of referral services for GBV survivors in the post-conflict setting. Featuring guiding…
The Gender-Based Violence Constant Companion Pocket Guide, developed by the Spotlight Initiative Belize programme contains basic tools for field practitioners to know what to do in case a GBV incident is disclosed to them, specifically:
How to support a survivor of gender-based violence, including Do’s and Don’ts of responding to a disclosure
Who discloses their experience of GBV, accompanied by a safe and ethical response to disclosure flowchart
Location-specific contact details for the local GBV focal point and advice on what to do in contexts where there is no GBV actor available
During COVID-19, Spotlight Initiative programmes needed to rapidly pivot programming to respond to the increase in violence against women and girls during the pandemic.
To meet the immediate needs of women and girls experiencing or at risk of violence, Spotlight Initiative Samoa programme took a flexible approach by repurposing its funds to work with the Ministry for Women, Community and Social Development and frontline service providers such as civil society organisations to create and distribute 400 “Prevention Packs” containing information and materials on COVID-19 and GBV translated in…