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In Uganda, Spotlight Initiative supported the SASA! Together – a community mobilisation approach that supports communities to create positive and sustainable changes in the norms that perpetuate violence against women and girls. SASA! Together is a revised version of the original SASA! Approach, developed by the Ugandan NGO Raising Voices. New features of SASA! Together include a distinct focus on intimate partner violence, strategies that reach across the whole community, and more support for organisations and communities to sustain change.
The SASA! Together methodology focuses on…
Spotlight Initiative worked with UNFPA and the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT) to implement the Collaborative HIV Prevention and Adolescent Mental Health Programme (CHAMP). This supported young people and adult caregivers across three regions of Trinidad and Tobago. This programme was established with a view to addressing HIV prevention but, through community engagement, reduced the likelihood of youth engaged in the programme responding to peer pressure to engage in adolescent sexual activity.
Spotlight Initiative trained around 25 community leaders as…
Data shows that children in Papua New Guinea commonly experience physical and/or verbal abuse and/or neglect from their parents/caregivers. The levels of abuse are higher for disabled and adopted children. In addition, many children witness violence between their parents and among other family members. The Spotlight Initiative (led by UNICEF), in partnership with faith-based organisations (FBOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), launched the Parenting for Childhood Development (P4CD) programme in six provinces of Papua New Guinea. This programme consisted of a series of training…
In Mali, Spotlight Initiative supported the establishment of 829 model husband clubs for currently married men aged 20-40 (Club des Maris – CDM) and men planning to marry aged 14-24 (Clubs des Futurs Maris – CDFM). A Model Husbands club is a voluntary space that brings men together to collectively reflect and take action to become a model husband. The clubs are participatory and open spaces for discussion, sharing and decision-making built on the values of active listening, equality and respect. The six thematic sessions are built on a gender transformative approach, are led by men in the…
Spotlight Initiative in Honduras has supported the ‘Cure Violence’ model – a transformative approach aimed at reshaping social norms to address the alarming rates of femicide and violence against women and girls. Honduras has the highest femicide rate in Latin America at 6 cases per 100,000 women in 2022, with a culture of impunity where 96% of such crimes go unpunished. This UNICEF-supported initiative involves mobilising communities to change social norms in areas affected by gang violence and trafficking. It uses ‘violence interrupters’ to lead community dialogues and efforts to identify…
Since April 2020, Spotlight Initiative Zimbabwe, in partnership with Padare Men’s Forum on Gender, has built a movement among men and boys to prevent VAWG and achieve positive transformation at the community level. The project seeks to achieve personal transformation in community leaders who can in turn influence their communities; leaders who will change from being viewed as conspirators and potential perpetrators of GBV to being responsive, credible, and effective leaders in addressing GBV.
In addition, the project aims to transform the negative attitudes and beliefs that drive harmful…
In 2020, Spotlight Initiative supported a National Parenting Programme in Grenada with a campaign called “Step Up Your Parenting Game”. This campaign targeted men and women who were parents and guardians. The focus of the messaging was on improving parenting approaches for the benefits of their children. This campaign included a number of sub-messages including
“No matter who, no matter what, there is no excuse for abuse”
“Children need their fathers: they need love, support and encouragement”
“Feeling stressed? Check your B.E.T. (body, environment, thoughts)”
“Communicate with your…
Spotlight Initiative provided training to 450 parents on positive parenting and skills for developing respectful family and gender-equitable relationships. Across Timor-Leste, the use of corporal punishment (physical violence) to discipline children is prevalent, with one study by UNICEF suggesting 83% of parents consider it necessary to frighten or threaten their children to ensure they behave well and 46% believing that physically punishing children is necessary to bring them up correctly. Spotlight Initiative parenting trainings involved a variety of activities, including role-playing to…
Spotlight Initiative conducted training using the Gender Action Learning System (GALS) in partnership with the Public Foundation “Education for Community Development”. They worked at individual, family and institutional levels to help promote equitable attitudes around gender to end VAWG. This training was provided to fathers and following their participation in GALS training, 40% of fathers showed improved communication with their families on family matters and reported valuing everyone’s contribution. This is a significant improvement from baseline data, which showed deeply rooted…