How would you like to support women's movements to end VAWG?

Fund and support Women’s Rights Organisations

Fund and support Women’s Rights Organisations

Women’s rights organisations (WROs) are at the forefront of efforts to address violence against women and girls (VAWG) and are often the first responders in situations of crisis. They have pioneered innovative approaches that have been effective in supporting survivors, such as women-led police stations, family courts, and shelters.

First responders in situations of crisis, Pioneering effective, innovative approaches to support survivors, Engaging in community-level work to raise awareness of VAWG, Developing locally-owned initiatives that are accountable to women, Creating space for collective action, Engaging in vital advocacy work leading to changes in legislation and policy frameworks

They have engaged in community-level work to raise awareness of VAWG and promote changes in the attitudes, behaviours and norms that sustain violence. With their deep knowledge of the needs and priorities of women and girls, they are uniquely placed to develop locally-owned initiatives that are accountable to women. WROs also create space for collective action, and have engaged in advocacy work leading to changes in legislation and policy frameworks. Yet there is an urgent need for more flexible, long-term and core funding to ensure WROs can continue to play these vital roles effectively.

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Guiding Principles
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Intersectional approach
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative has partnered with women’s rights organisations (WROs) at national and local levels across all outcome areas, for example, initiatives to prevent violence, to provide support to survivors, to engage in research and data collection, and to advocate for stronger institutions and legal and policy change.

Grant-giving mechanisms to support the work of WROs: The portfolio of work with women’s rights organisations also consists of Spotlight Initiative’s two Civil Society Grant-Giving Programmes, partnering with the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund) in Africa and Latin America, and the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) in Africa, Afghanistan, Haiti and Papua New Guinea. As of October 2022, Spotlight Initiative’s Civil Society Funding Dashboard shows that 73% of Spotlight Initiative programmatic funding went to women’s organisations – a total of US$127 million. Spotlight Initiative has also worked to address barriers to ensuring inclusive funding to CSOs and WROs. See also case study below on the WithHer Fund.

Including WROs in programme governance and accountability mechanisms: Women’s rights organisations (WROs) have actively participated in Spotlight Initiative country and regional programmes through Civil Society Reference Groups (CSRGs), where they have ensured that the programme aligns with women’s rights priorities. Reference Groups advise on and monitor the Initiative’s programmes, recommend changes, and hold Spotlight Initiative accountable for its commitments. Spotlight Initiative has produced a Compendium of promising practices and innovative ideas on how to ensure meaningful partnerships with Civil Society Reference Groups.

Supporting capacity and network building: Spotlight Initiative has also provided opportunities for capacity building to strengthen the organisational and technical capabilities of WROs. It has facilitated connections between WROs for movement building, and between WROs and wider civil society, government agencies, donors, and other stakeholders for coalition building to end VAWG.

Top Tips

How to work with WROs – top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Simplify application and reporting processes for accessing grants/funds
Remunerate WROs for their time and any costs
Provide flexible, direct and core funding
Co-design programmes with WROs
Work with diverse WROs to ensure inclusion
Provide opportunities for networking and movement-building