Unprecedented: A Pathway for Ending Violence against Women and Girls - Spotlight Initiative Impact Report 2017-2023

The publication title appears across an illustration of a woman speaking into a megaphone
July 2024
Number of pages:
Spotlight Initiative

This magazine-style report presents Spotlight Initiative's results for women and girls from 2017 to 2023. As the United Nations High-Impact Initiative for eliminating violence against women and girls, Spotlight Initiative is showing that a comprehensive approach to ending gender-based violence can be 70-90 per cent more effective than traditionally siloed interventions. 

Spotlight Initiative's investments have ensured that:

  • The overall conviction rate for gender-based violence doubled across 13 countries.
  • 548 laws or policies were signed or strengthened to end violence against women and girls.
  • USD 195 million was delivered to civil society organizations (49 per cent of activity funds).
  • National budgets to address gender-based violence increased nearly 13-fold across 13 countries.
  • More than 5,000 local and grassroots women's rights organizations reported having greater influence and agency.
  • Close to 3 million women and girls accessed gender-based violence services, including long-term recovery services 
  • Nearly 8 million young people participated in in- and out-of-school programmes promoting gender-equitable attitudes and behaviours.
  • Close to 6 million men and boys were educated on positive masculinity, respectful family relationships and non-violent conflict resolution. 
  • Campaigns to prevent violence against women and girls reached an audience of nearly 384 million.
  • 50 countries strengthened their National Action Plans to eliminate violence against women and girls.


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