Spotlight Initiative launched in Grenada

GRENADA, Saint George's - Ahead of International Women’s Day commemorations on 8 March, the Government of Grenada, the European Union and the United Nations launched the Spotlight Initiative to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls in the country.
The day began with a signing ceremony of the project document by dignitaries, and ended with the lighting of the National Parliament Building – which will remain lit with Spotlight Initiative’s colours for seven days to give prominence to the issue of violence against women and girls.
Reaffirming the government’s commitment Grenada Prime Minister Keith Mitchell informed the audience at the signing ceremony that ending violence against women and girls was crucial due to its negative impact on society. “We pay a heavy price socially and economically,” said Mr. Mitchell. “Grenada recognizes that gender equality is required if we are to experience a state where there is harmony and progress for everyone.”
"Our success will be measured by the positive impact made in the lives of women,” said European Union Ambassador to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean States, the OECS and CARICOM/CARIFORUM Danieka Tramacere. “We all have a role to play, watching silently from the sidelines is not an option.”
UN Resident Coordinator Didier Trebucq, lauded Grenada’s ongoing efforts to address gender-based violence and mainstreaming the Sustainable Development Goals into its development plans. “This will provide a strong framework for the UN to increase its joint support to the country,” sad. Mr. Trebucq. “We are leveraging the individual strengths of UN agencies to deliver results that will reduce violence against women and girls in Grenada.”
"Grenada recognizes that gender equality is required if we are to experience a state where there is harmony and progress for everyone," - Prime Minister Keith Mitchell
Chairperson of the interim national civil society reference group Jeannine Sylvester spoke about civil society’s critical role in ensuring the Initiative’s success. “We renew our commitment to continue to speak out on the issue of gender-based violence and educate people within communities of the negative impact of all forms of violence especially on our women and girls.”
Violence against women and girls remains one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in the world today. In the Caribbean, gender-based violence, including intimate partner violence, is identified as one of the most prevalent forms of violence, sustained by a culture of silence and denial, presenting a major obstacle in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Over the next three years, the Spotlight Initiative in Grenada is bringing the government, UN System, civil society, and other partners together to organizations to respond to family violence by (1) reforming procedures governing the conduct of legal proceedings and enhanced victim rights policy frameworks, (2) improving the capacity of national institutions to plan, fund and deliver evidence-based programmes to prevent violence, (3) expanding programmes that promote positive social norms and prevent family violence, (4) supporting improved service delivery to survivors of family violence, (5) better collection, analysis, monitoring, storage and dissemination of data on violence against women and girls, and (6) improving the capacity of national civil society organisation’s to design, implement and monitor violence prevention programmes. and establish social accountability mechanism.
The Initiative will be implemented in two phases: the first will end in December 2021 and the second phase will conclude in December 2022, with Grenada receiving a funding envelope of €2 million for the entire duration of the programme.
The Spotlight Initiative in Grenada will contribute to the achievement of gender equality, peace, social inclusion and protection of human rights, which are catalytic for sustainable development (particularly Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 16) and inclusive growth, in accordance with Agenda 2030, as well as the priority areas of the UN Multi-Country Sustainable Development Framework, and the Grenada’s Gender Equality Policy and Action Plan (GEPAP).
For more information and media queries please contact:
Ms. Carol Gaskin, United Nations Development Coordination Officer, Programme Communications and Advocacy at (246) 467-6110 or or Mr. Delroy Louison, Public Relations Officer, Ministry of Social Development, Housing & Community Empowerment Grenada at (437) 440-2269/457-6890 or