Do you need to strengthen the referral system

Strengthen referral mechanisms

Strengthen referral mechanisms

Survivors of VAWG need access to appropriate services to meet their needs for medical and psychosocial care, shelter and safety, and access to justice and financial assistance. Depending on the types of violence they have suffered, how acute these respective needs, and policies in place they may need to access services in slightly different sequences. This process is known as a referral, with referral mechanisms (also termed referral pathways) providing a structured framework for guiding survivors of GBV to the appropriate care. Referral processes should incorporate standards to ensure the smooth and safe navigation of the different essential services available to victims and survivors.

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Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative recognises that addressing VAWG requires collaboration across various sectors and service providers, government agencies, civil society organisations, and other stakeholders involved in GBV response. Referral mechanisms are an essential component of this approach as they ensure that survivors receive holistic support.

Spotlight Initiative invests in building the capacity of service providers, including healthcare workers, CSOs, social workers, legal professionals, and law enforcement personnel. This training helps them better understand GBV issues, improve their response skills, and enhance their ability to make appropriate referrals.

Spotlight Initiative also emphasises the importance of data collection and monitoring to track the effectiveness of its work. This includes reviewing referral mechanisms and identifying areas for improvement. This data-driven approach helps refine and strengthen the VAWG response over time.

Top Tips

How to strengthen referral mechanisms – top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Develop Standard Operating Procedures for a coordinated response across the system
Compile an up-to-date directory of services for referrals
Ensure safe referral protocols and agreements are in place
Ensure confidentiality and privacy
Seek consent from survivors and support informed decision-making
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