Are there barriers of distance or security?

Provide remote or mobile services

Provide remote or mobile services

There are a number of contexts and situations in which regular static VAWG response services are not easily accessible to women and girl survivors. This might include remote or hard-to-reach locations, situations of displacement or locations affected by natural disasters, conflict or other emergencies like the Covid-19 pandemic. Over time, service providers have developed alternative options to provide some form of service to survivors. Remote services involve staff using technology to provide GBV services from a distance, while mobile services bring services directly to people who are displaced, in transit or who cannot easily access traditional (static) services.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative has provided a range of mobile and remote services across contexts. As a result of Covid-19, it increased the number of remote services provided across its programming, applying lessons learned from across contexts to strengthen delivery and innovation. Key approaches and learning include:

  • Provide support through mobile clinics offering multiple services to all women and girls. Spotlight Initiative programmes have funded clinics open to all women and girls, not only survivors, in Mozambique, Niger, Haiti and Belize. These have offered coordinated sexual and reproductive health services, psychosocial counselling, information and referrals, and longer-term recovery services to vulnerable populations living in remote areas, including to persons with disabilities and persons living with HIV and AIDS.
  • Provide mobile courts and other judicial services: Spotlight Initiative programmes have supported mobile legal clinics and mobile courts, for example in Malawi and Mozambique. These have been essential to supporting women and girls in remote locations to access justice, by bringing the lawyers, judges and magistrates to them.
  • Provide remote services including helplines: Spotlight Initiative programmes have supported helplines and other remote services via mobile phone and apps. These have provided vital support and information to vulnerable survivors and women at risk, and were particularly important during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as other sudden onset disasters.

Top Tips

How to provide remote or mobile services - top tips based on wider learning from the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Consult women to determine the best combinations of remote and mobile services
Ensure services are accessible and safe to use
Work with community focal points to implement service delivery
Prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all staff
Train staff to safely identify and support survivors
Support and strengthen referral systems