How will you ensure that partners have the skills needed?

Support capacity building for partners

Support capacity building for partners

Strengthening the skills, knowledge and experience of partners is a vital step in improving programme effectiveness and addressing power imbalances that often sideline local and grassroots organisations from opportunities. It is important to design capacity building programmes collaboratively, involving the organisations and people they are intended to support. Capacity building efforts must recognise the expertise, needs and priorities of local organisations, rather than be based on assumptions about what local organisations “lack”. When developed in consultation with partners and focused on strengthening their priority areas, capacity building efforts can ensure effective programme delivery, support local organisations to achieve their goals and help increase the sustainability of partners’ work on ending violence against women and girls (VAWG).

Guiding principles
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative has supported capacity-strengthening efforts with a wide range of stakeholders and partners, including civil society organisations (CSOs), Women’s Rights Organisations (WROs), media broadcasters, journalists, national governments, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Spotlight Initiative developed a guidance manual on capacity building which committed to the following:

Engage stakeholders in reciprocal learning, Conduct capacity assessments, Build on lessons learned, Promote South-South cooperation, Establish a robust capacity development strategy

  • Engage stakeholders in reciprocal learning: Spotlight Initiative programmes were designed from the outset to involve all stakeholders that could benefit from a capacity building initiative in development of the capacity building support. This ensured that the initiatives were based on stakeholder needs and encouraged their commitment and support. For example, the Spotlight Initiative programme in Trinidad and Tobago engaged the Civil Society Reference Group (CSRG) in consultation and in decision-making about the design and implementation of efforts to build skills needed to apply for grants. Through reciprocal learning, this enabled the design of relevant capacity building initiatives for CSOs and more appropriate grant-making mechanisms, based on the lessons shared by CSOs.
  • Conduct capacity assessments: Spotlight Initiative programmes were also encouraged to conduct a capacity assessment of each programme participant. At the individual level, these reviewed the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a person; at the organisational level, these reviewed policies, strategies, procedures and resources in place to end VAWG. In Samoa, the Spotlight Initiative programme adapted the UN Women Gender Equality Capacity Assessment Tool to gain a better understanding of the capacity needs of key CSOs working to end VAWG. In 2022, the Spotlight Initiative programme in Afghanistan conducted a capacity assessment for journalists reporting on VAWG and used these to develop initiatives to improve the standards of ethical and gender-sensitive reporting.
  • Build on lessons learned: Spotlight Initiative programmes considered lessons learned from previous capacity building initiatives and used these to inform the design of new initiatives. All programmes were also asked to measure the success of their capacity building initiatives and capture lessons learned to share with other programmes. Measurements included pre- and post- training assessments, participant feedback surveys, training facilitator surveys, satisfaction surveys, and progress reports.
  • Promote South-South cooperation: Following requests from national partners, Spotlight Initiative supported learning between partners within and across countries, regions and globally. These efforts were designed to support national partners to access knowledge, expertise and lessons learned from other countries in the Global South and provide entry-points for collaboration.
  • Establish a robust capacity development strategy: Spotlight Initiative has established a Global Capacity Development Strategy to underpin its efforts to deliver capacity development activities globally. This strategy sets out the principles that capacity development efforts should be built upon. These include: 1) Integration across multiple levels of programming, 2) Contextual and demand driven, 3) Founded on partnerships, 4) Informed by feminist pedagogies, and 5) Designed with sustainability in mind. This strategy also clarifies a unified purpose for capacity development, identifies examples of capacity strengthening approaches, and defines clear roles and responsibilities, and provides a global workplan and timeline. This strategy supports Spotlight Initiative to plan and manage capacity development efforts across its programmes.

Top Tips

How to support capacity building for partners - top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Ensure commitment to capacity building across all levels of the programme
Hire a dedicated capacity building team
Conduct participatory capacity needs assessments
Involve partners in the design of capacity building efforts
Facilitate opportunities for reciprocal learning
Build flexibility into capacity building efforts
Engage and strengthen local technical expertise
Integrate monitoring, evaluation and learning processes