How will you ensure quality implementation?

Plan for effective implementation

Plan for effective implementation

The effectiveness of programmes to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls (VAWG) depends both on good design - where interventions are designed and adapted for the types of violence, context and population - and on high-quality implementation. Research and learning from a wide range of VAWG programmes globally has highlighted a number of core elements of effective implementation including: adequate time and resources, robust organisational capacity, political will, coordination across stakeholders, adaptation of interventions for the specific context, well-trained and supportive staff and facilitators, ongoing monitoring for learning and accountability, and the ability to adapt and course correct as needed. Without these elements, well-designed programmes can fail to meet their objectives, and can potentially put women and girls at risk of further harm. 

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

The Spotlight Initiative 2022 Global Annual Narrative Progress Report highlighted several cross-cutting lessons from the Spotlight Initiative’s experience of implementation:

  • A whole-of-society approach encourages collaboration among all stakeholder to collectively address violence against women and girls.
  • Engaging community structures and local authorities in community-centred approached promotes accountability, local ownership and long-term commitment, influencing positive shifts in attitudes and norms.
  • Strengthening skills across all grassroots movements, government, activists and other key stakeholders ensures lasting outcomes beyond the Spotlight Initiative.
  • Using innovative methods from the COVID-19 response, like technology and virtual platforms, helps to scale up efforts.
  • Recognising the value of community structures and networks advances efforts to end violence.
  • Participatory monitoring, involving rights holders, provides a sense of agency in co-designing appropriate interventions.
  • Ensuring adequate time to build processes, trust and partner commitment helps increase the sustainability of interventions and improve engagement in participatory monitoring, evaluation and reporting processes.
  • Advocating for the implementation of ‘leave no one behind’ principles in legal and policy frameworks ensures inclusivity in the EVAWG movement.

During COVID-19, the Spotlight Initiative adapted the implementation of its VAWG programming to respond to shifting needs and priorities (Read more). Key learning includes:

  • The importance of flexible programme operating principles which can allow rapid budget reallocation to respond in appropriate and timely ways to sudden crises.
  • Providing direct flexible and core funding to local women’s organisations enabled them to continue operating and delivering frontline services to women and girls during the pandemic.
  • Supporting innovation - for example with the provision of mobile and remote services. For example, in Uganda, the programme set up safety circles via WhatsApp groups to provide mutual support. Some countries supported mobile clinics or mobile courts.
  • It is important to move quickly to ensure measures to mitigate and respond to VAWG are integrated into disaster response programmes.

The Spotlight Initiative employs a robust approach to risk management in implementing VAWG programming, which includes risk identification and mitigation strategies embedded in each programme document. National and regional steering committees were advised to oversee risk management, as detailed in the Operations Manual. Programme teams regularly identified and managed risks, often using their respective Agency’s mechanisms, with an aggregated overview at the programme level by the programme coordination team. Furthermore, the requirement for programmes to submit an updated risk matrix in both annual and final reports, along with a comprehensive risk management strategy at the Fund level, ensured a proactive overview of risks.

Top Tips

How to plan for effective implementation of VAWG programming - top tips based on wider learning in the sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Develop the capacities of partner organisations and staff
Carefully select, prepare, train and support community facilitators
Ensure wellbeing, self and collective care of staff as well as participants
Deliver optimal intensity of exposure to programme activities
Monitor risks, address backlash and unintended consequences
Enable flexibility and innovation to adapt VAWG programming