The programme put in place a more effective mechanism to combat violence against women and girls and to promote the right to sexual and reproductive health through innovative approaches.
It focused on strengthening legal and policy frameworks, effective and coordinated institutions and community mobilization. It supported increased and equitable access to holistic and integrated care services. It enhanced access to and use of quality statistical data and it reinforced women’s rights advocacy organizations.
Direct beneficiaries: 2,827,925 | Indirect beneficiaries: 11,311,704
Social Monitoring Platform: Creating a digital social platform that facilitates immediate and appropriate responses to reported cases of violence.
Knowledge Hub: Supporting the establishment of a Knowledge Hub to identify and document good practices and innovations; document the results and strategic synergies between Spotlight Initiative and similar programmes at the national and regional levels; research and publish local information to inspire context-specific programming and enhance local knowledge; build partnerships with universities and institutionalize research on violence against women; and train youth in rural areas on methodologies for documenting positive local practices.
Mama Yeleen approach: Supporting "Mama Yeleen", an initiative that trains women to act as ‘model mothers’ in their communities, to implement a violence prevention strategy.
Mobile legal clinics: Establishing mobile legal clinics to better adjudicate violence against women cases (especially in hard-to-reach areas) and combat impunity.
U-Reporting: Implementing ‘U-Report’, an SMS-based platform used to educate young people about violence against women and girls.
UN agencies
National Focal Point: Marianne Mara Foulah
National reference group
List of members