Direct beneficiaries: 6,282,707 | Indirect beneficiaries: 38,823,100
Community social norms change: The SASA! Methodology guides entire communities through the stages of change to address underlying beliefs, social norms, and attitudes that perpetuate violence and impunity. A randomized control trial demonstrated a 52 per cent reduction in intimate partner violence against women in SASA! Communities.
Establishing a gender-responsive judicial system: The Gender Bench Book outlines best practices to improve women’s access to justice. It ensures that judicial procedures and systems are increasingly gender-sensitive and facilitates gender trainings in areas such as gender-based violence and sexual and reproductive health.
Cultural leaders paving the way to progress: Working with cultural leaders on human rights-based dispute resolution in communities. Methods including working through the spirit of Obuntubulamu for cultural groups to reclaim their heritage while deepening prevention efforts and linking survivors to formal service delivery points in the referral pathway.
Real-time data analysis: An innovative strategy first tested and piloted in Uganda, Pulse Lab Kampala’s automated speech recognition models for Uganda’s local languages to capture and understand public norms and perceptions on gender topics through mining public radio and social media content in real-time. This technology will inform the UN and Ugandan government of the impact of their interventions while drastically reducing the time and resources usually required to conduct surveys.
UN agencies
National Focal Point: Nasiib Kaleebu