Providing women migrant workers with information to make safe and informed choices

A large-scale survey of women migrant workers across Southeast Asia, conducted by the joint ILO-UN Women Safe and Fair Programme under the Spotlight Initiative, revealed a lack of reliable or trustworthy sources of information online. Instead, migrant women workers must rely on personal networks or recruitment agencies for essential information.
It is for these reasons that the "My Journey" mobile application was developed. My Journey is a mobile application that is designed to provide information about safe migration and labour rights to potential migrant workers, especially concerning the rights and services available to them in destination countries. Launched in December 2021, the app aims to provide access to essential, reliable and practical information and services on mobile phones, anywhere.
To maximize its user-friendliness, the information in the application is available to users of all literacy levels as text, video, animation or audio.
The application was developed by Child Helpline Cambodia in partnership with the ILO-UN Women programme "Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers' rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region" under the Spotlight Initiative to eliminate violence against women and girls. Download the application:
This short animation provides an introduction to the My Journey mobile app, its functions, and the information and services available within.
This short animation will walk us through everything a prospective Cambodian migrant needs to know to prepare for their trip, to ensure their employment terms are fair and to safely migrate abroad and successfully return home.
This short animation provides a broad overview of labour and workplace rights, so that Cambodian women migrant workers can make informed choices and ensure their workplaces are safe and fair.
The Spotlight Initiative is a global initiative of the United Nations which has received generous support from the European Union. Its aim is to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.