
All A D G I L M P R S T U W
Referral mechanism

A referral mechanism sets out a clear process and procedures for VAWG survivors to receive the different services - health, psychosocial, justice, shelter, socio-economic assistance - which they need and want to heal and recover from violence in the shorter and longer-term. Each service provider needs to be clear about their own mandate and responsibilities and where and how to refer survivors to other services.


Responses to VAWG focus on providing survivors with services to address their immediate and longer-term needs with a view to supporting their physical and emotional recovery and reducing the negative effects of violence on them and those they care for and about.

Risk factors

These are factors at an individual, household, community or institutional level which are known to increase the risk of an individual perpetrating or experiencing violence against women and girls. For example, we have evidence that harmful social norms which tolerate inequitable gender roles and the use of violence significantly increase the risk of VAWG in that context.