
All A D G I L M P R S T U W
Participatory approach

A participatory approach to EVAWG programming involves programme beneficiaries (often women and girls) in the design, implementation and monitoring stages of the programme. It is important to engage with women and girls from diverse backgrounds to ensure the programme is informed by and responds to their diverse needs.

Prevalence Data

The prevalence of VAWG refers to the proportion of women and girls in a population who have experienced one or more forms of VAWG. It is measured by undertaking nationally or geographically representative surveys that have been specifically designed to collect data on violence. Prevalence rates can be measured for a specific form of VAWG and over different time periods - for example, over the preceding 12 months or in a women's lifetime.


Preventing violence against women and girls means stopping violence before it starts. It involves addressing the underlying causes of VAWG including gender inequitable systems, structures, norms, attitudes, practices, and power hierarchies.

Protective factors

These are factors at an individual, household, community or institutional level which may protect an individual from experiencing - or perpetrating - violence against women and girls. For example, we have evidence that good communication and conflict resolution skills between couples can be protective factors against intimate partner violence.