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In 2022, the Spotlight Initiative programme in Trinidad and Tobago aimed to improve CSOs’ access to grants through a three-tiered approach of stakeholder consultations, capacity building, and adapting processes to be more context-relevant. The objective was to support resource mobilisation and increase institutional, operational and technical capacities for long-term and sustainable work on EVAWG.
The programme began by consulting a Civil Society National Reference Group to discuss feedback on Spotlight Initiative’s funding opportunities and requirements. CSOs provided feedback that the…
In 2019, Spotlight Initiative’s Africa Regional programme conducted a mapping of 779 civil society organisations and community-based organisations, including 45 networks and coalitions, 11 groups of people with disabilities, 7 groups of people affected by HIV/Aids, one Albino group and 13 LGBTQI+ organisations. This database helped capture themes, existing strengths, gaps and capacities of these organisations. Spotlight Initiative was then able to provide targeted support across these organisations.
Following this, Spotlight Initiative established CSO Secretariats across the five focus…
In 2020, Spotlight Initiative’s Latin America Regional Programme provided funding to support a Latin American coalition of WROs, feminist organisations and civil society organisations led by the Centre for Justice and International Law in Honduras. This coalition was advocating for the passage of a new protocol called “La Esperanza Protocol”, one of the first of its type, which aims to improve the investigation of and response to serious threats and attacks against human rights defenders.
A coalition of over 20 CSOs, women's and feminist organisations, spearheaded by the Center for Justice…
Under Pillar 6, the Spotlight Initiative Pacific Regional Programme aims to support WROs through the small grants funding mechanism. The small grants, ranging from USD 2,500 to USD 50,000, have a simplified application process, with fewer steps than other funding mechanisms.
A series of virtual town halls were held to prepare potential applications and provide an overview of the requirements, guidelines in the development of proposals and budgets, and reporting and monitoring and evaluation requirements. Further support was provided via email or phone, with the aim of reducing any…
The Spotlight Initiative programme in Mozambique provided training and ongoing capacity development sessions for 50 WROs. The WROs were identified through a mapping of organisations and then invited to a 3-day training session in advocacy, influencing, programme design, monitoring and evaluation and knowledge management. Opportunities were provided in these sessions for networking and sharing experiences. Special attention was given to organisations representing the interests of marginalised groups, such as people living with HIV, people with disabilities and rural women. WROs received ongoing…
In December 2021, Spotlight Initiative launched the WithHer Fund in partnership with the UN Foundation to provide flexible financial support to smaller, local, grassroots and WROs working to end violence against women and girls in their communities.
The fund operates under feminist grant-making principles, focusing on flexibility, trust and transparency. To overcome common funding barriers faced by small organisations, the WithHer Fund uses a simplified application and reporting process.
The first cohort of WithHer Fund grantees was chosen based on specific criteria, including the…
The Spotlight Initiative programme in Tajikistan offered creative training and mentorship to various WROs and other CSOs through a simulation exercise. This exercise involved CSOs participating in a workshop where their proposals were evaluated by Recipient UN Organisations (RUNOs). A mock evaluation committee then provided feedback on the proposals.
As a result of participating in this training exercise, WROs had an improved understanding of Spotlight Initiative processes and requirements, which resulted in an increased number of proposal submissions from WROs in Tajikistan to the Central…