What overall scope and design of programme is appropriate?

Design a comprehensive prevention strategy

Design a comprehensive prevention strategy

While there is no single approach to the prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG), there is a growing global evidence base on programme approaches which have been effective, or show promising results, in reducing the rates of violence against women and girls (VAWG). In general, a successful VAWG prevention strategy requires a multi-sectoral, coordinated approach that addresses the root causes and key risk factors for specific types of violence. This includes interventions to create an enabling environment for prevention in terms of high level political commitment, laws, policies and funding, interventions to shift the harmful norms that enable VAWG, and interventions to work directly with individuals, families and communities to support them to adopt non-violent, gender equitable attitudes and behaviours.

Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

Spotlight Initiative has focused on developing comprehensive VAWG prevention programmes that work across sectors and levels to address the root cause and drivers of VAWG and the norms, attitudes and beliefs that sustain violence. The key elements of its approach have included:

  • An overall strategy that combines a dedicated pillar on VAWG prevention (Pillar 3) as well as a focus on embedding prevention strategies across all other pillars of its work, including legal reform and institutional strengthening. Read more about the pillars of Spotlight Initiative
  • Selecting and designing prevention strategies tailored to context. By conducting in-depth contextual analyses, engaging diverse stakeholders, and relying on evidence-based approaches, Spotlight Initiative selected and developed prevention strategies tailored to the specific country and regional context. These strategies were developed through data-driven decision-making, participatory design, and adaptation to suit local environments.

Top Tips

How to design a comprehensive prevention strategy - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Understand the specific types and dynamics of VAWG in the context
Understand what makes prevention programmes successful
Apply best practice in programme design and implementation
Research evidence-based prevention strategies
Adapt prevention strategies and programming to the context
Link prevention and response programming