Do you need to provide safe spaces or shelter?

Create women and girls’ safe spaces

Create women and girls’ safe spaces

Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces are environments established to ensure women and girls feel emotionally and physically safe. These spaces are designed to ensure survivors of violence - and those at risk of violence - have a place to go where they are able to socialise, build support networks, access response services and access information on women’s rights, health and services, without fear of judgement or harm. These spaces provide a unique opportunity for women or girls to come together in contexts where most public spaces are dominated by men. Some safe spaces may specifically not allow men or security forces such as police into their buildings in order to maximise comfort for survivors and reduce risks of re-traumatisation. They can be established in a variety of locations, depending on need and availability, including community spaces, churches, schools or in shelters.

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Guiding Principles
  • Survivor-Centred Approach
  • Do no harm approach
  • Leave No One Behind, Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Universal design
  • Transformative approach
Spotlight Initiative

Approach and Learning

The Spotlight Initiative takes a multi-sectoral approach to establishing safe spaces, to ensure that survivors - and other women and girls - accessing these spaces have access to a variety of services including financial aid, legal aid, economic empowerment opportunities, sexual and reproductive health information, psychosocial support and counselling, and opportunities to develop skills to challenge harmful gender norms safely.

The Spotlight Initiative builds safe spaces in collaboration with communities and service providers, especially health and justice services. Part of these efforts involves empowering and training women and girls to become mentors for survivors, and to identify and intervene in suspected cases of child marriage. This not only supports communities, it promotes the sustainability of these projects by encouraging community buy-in.

Top Tips

How to create Women and Girls’ Safe Spaces - top tips based on learning from the wider sector.

Click a tip for more information.
Map existing safe spaces and assess needs and gaps
Provide training to staff on how to take a survivor-centred approach
Ensure safe spaces are accessible to survivors from diverse backgrounds
Facilitate coordination between safe spaces and other response services
Involve Women’s Rights Organisations in the design and implementation of safe spaces
Create a culture of self and collective care within safe spaces
Collect and address monitoring data and feedback