One In Three - the art exhibition

The One In Three exhibit brings together a sculpture by artist Carey Jernigan with photographs from The Spotlight Initiative to highlight global efforts to end violence against women and girls by 2030. Videos submitted online play alongside the installation. Closing their eyes for one in every three seconds, participants draw attention to the prevalence of violence, but also to the strength of communities coming together to fight for change. The exhibition is open 2-29 March 2020.
Want to take part to the exhibition?
The exhibition includes a video which is both a reflection on violence and a celebration of communities coming together through times of pain, strength, and change. Participants worldwide submitted the videos shown here, closing their eyes for 1 of every 3 seconds. How? Close your eyes for one second and then open them for two. Repeat for 10 seconds. New videos are added to the website every day, and to the exhibit here at the United Nations Headquarters every week.
To submit your own video, visit