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During COVID-19, Spotlight Initiative programmes needed to rapidly pivot programming to respond to the increase in violence against women and girls during the pandemic.
To meet the immediate needs of women and girls experiencing or at risk of violence, Spotlight Initiative Samoa programme took a flexible approach by repurposing its funds to work with the Ministry for Women, Community and Social Development and frontline service providers such as civil society organisations to create and distribute 400 “Prevention Packs” containing information and materials on COVID-19 and GBV translated in…
In Uganda, where Spotlight Initiative programme was implementing the SASA! community mobilisation programme, the team adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic by creating safety circles to connect regularly via WhatsApp and text, and ensuring community activists and leaders checked in with at-risk women via phone or in-person while social distancing.
In refugee settings in Uganda, the rollout and scale-up of the SASA! programming supported an increase in reporting on intimate partner violence and child marriage, demonstrating that women felt more confident to report violence. 100% of these reported…
This graphic displays the seven key elements of a feminist approaches to scale recommended by the Community for Understanding Scaling Practices (CUSP).
Read more about this platform and watch the video to learn how to use it.
To support you in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive VAWG programme, we have developed a series of 'guided journeys' through the learning resources on this platform. These are based on user feedback about the most typical programme development activities and processes they need to undertake.
There is one guided journey per main module (on the top menu), which helps you to navigate the various resource pages (left menu) in that module, but also sometimes directs you to relevant pages in other modules as appropriate. Each guided journey is to be found…
If you have any suggestions or queries with respect to the materials on this website or would like to send us any resources you think could be added and referenced, please send an email to:
This Learning Centre was developed in close collaboration with the Spotlight Initiative Secretariat led by a team at Social Development Direct in the UK. The content was created based on a review of hundreds of Spotlight Initiative documents and consultations with Spotlight Initiative programme staff and partners, as well as a review of wider evidence and learning from the wider field of actors working to end VAWG. The design and development of the web-based platform was undertaken by Woodgate Consulting in the UK, and Gizra, based in the US.
Throughout the development process, the teams…
Please watch this video for a full walk through on how to use and get the most from this Learning Centre.
The Learning Centre has been designed to allow users to access and navigate resources in a variety of ways depending on their needs.
Seven modules (top navigation menu): We have created seven modules of learning resources to support you with different areas of programme development and management. You can click on the top menu to access any module at any time and see what resources…
The Spotlight Initiative Learning Centre is an online resource platform which is aimed at individuals and organisations that are designing, implementing and managing comprehensive programmes to end violence against women and girls (VAWG).
It builds on experience and learning from Spotlight Initiative as well as wider evidence and practice in the field. It is designed to provide practical, actionable support whether you are just starting out or addressing a specific programming issue.