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In 2019, Spotlight Initiative programmes conducted a contextual analysis across the Pacific region to better understand the policy and legal context that contributed to high rates of VAWG. This analysis showed that domestic violence legal frameworks exist in the form of Family Protection Acts in countries such as Samoa and Fiji. However, sexual and reproductive coercion was not criminalised as a form of domestic violence. In some countries, there were also discrepancies between different laws and policies, due in part to a lack of coordination between government ministries when developing new…
Spotlight Initiative established a Regional Gender Based Violence (GBV) Administrative Data Technical Reference Group in the Pacific region. This group works with key stakeholders to build their capacity on how to develop and manage robust GBV case management systems. Stakeholders include national statistics offices, the justice sector and the police sector across the Pacific. This reference group works to:
Support regional dialogues to share learning across the region
Build a community of practice on developing GBV admin data systems in the Pacific
Provide technical support…