Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in our world today.
One in three women worldwide has experienced physical or sexual violence – in many places, this number is even higher.
But change is possible.
Spotlight Initiative is showing how a comprehensive approach to eliminating gender-based violence can ensure that every woman and girl, everywhere, can live a life free from violence.
Since its launch, Spotlight Initiative's investments have ensured that:
the overall conviction rate for gender-based violence doubled across 13 countries
548 laws or policies were signed or strengthened to end violence against women and girls
USD 195 million was delivered to civil society organizations (49 per cent of activity funds).
national budgets to address gender-based violence increased nearly 13-fold across 13 countries
more than 5,000 local and grassroots women's rights organizations reported having greater influence and agency
close to 3 million women and girls accessed gender-based violence services, including long-term recovery services
nearly 8 million young people participated in in- and out-of-school programmes promoting gender-equitable attitudes and behaviours
close to 6 million men and boys were educated on positive masculinity, respectful family relationships and non-violent conflict resolution.
campaigns to prevent violence against women and girls reached an audience of nearly 384 million.
50 countries strengthened their National Action Plans to eliminate violence against women and girls.