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The Safe Mobile App (SAV-APP) aims to improve the ability to report, respond and fast-track cases of violence. Designed primarily for young women between 12 and 24 years, the app not only facilitates timely reporting of incidents but also connects women with medical, counselling, and policy assistance in emergencies. Launched in 2020, the app was developed with the support of the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund under Spotlight Initiative.
"Through Spotlight Initiative, we have seen more women and girls coming up to report cases by themselves." - Inspector Muna Meah, Commander in the…
The Spotlight Initiative established the first-ever National GBV Data Situation Room and Dashboard, in close collaboration with Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Women Affairs (FMWA) and other partners. This innovative data management and visualization platform is designed to enable a systematic collation of VAWG cases using a bottom-up approach from the community to national levels. The online reporting platform is a critical component of the initiative, providing timely analytics and real-time visualization of validated administrative data on reported GBV cases in Nigeria.
"Knowing that the…
Spotlight Initiative in Grenada worked in close collaboration with national partners to develop an online data system to improve the collection and use of administrative data on violence against women and girls. The online platform was developed in 2022 with the Central Statistical Office and the National Data Centre of Grenada, following extensive consultation with civil society and with key stakeholders in the public sector, including the Royal Grenada Police Force.
“The adoption of a data collection system that produces harmonized statistics that informs policy directives and evidence…
Spotlight Initiative in Mozambique supported the innovative gender-based violence (GBV) data management system “InfoViolência”. This web-based application, designed for registering and managing GBV cases, represents a significant advancement in data collection and analysis. Launched in 2018 and piloted in 2021, InfoViolência allows the referral of survivors to relevant institutions, such as health services (Ministry of Health), justice administration (Prosecutors and Courts), and Centers for Integrated Care (coordinated by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Action).