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Programmes should budget for producing and disseminating information about how survivors can access services in a variety of formats. For example:
Documents with information and instructions as a series of images to support those with limited literacy.
Easy Read documents can help people with learning and processing impairments access information about GBV services.
Documents in a variety of relevant languages can improve access to information for displaced people who do not speak the local language.
Documents in online and paper formats gives survivors flexibility about whether to…
It is essential that programme designers gain a comprehensive understanding of survivor decision-making around reporting and the barriers they face in accessing services. During the programme design phase, teams should work with survivors to conduct this barrier analysis and to co-develop strategies to address these barriers and ensure the programme is able to maximise the number and diversity of survivors it reaches, paying particular attention to reaching marginalised groups and leaving no one behind.
The data gathered during the service mapping can be used to help inform both the design of a new service or programme and also to support programmes to develop clear referral pathways. Clear referral pathways will help new programmes or services connect survivors to other services that they may need access to. The following is an example of the type of information a programme might want to collect in order to support them to refer survivors to other services.
Organisation name
Focal point
Contact details
Services available
Hours of operation
Any requirements or…
Deciding which questions to include in a mapping will depend on your context, resources, and scope of programme. Some key questions to consider include but are not limited to:
What types of services currently exist? How many of each?
Who are the actors proving services (government? CSOs?)
Are these services accessible to everyone, including people living in vulnerable situations?
What are the specific context barriers to accessing these services?
What is the quality of the services provided?
Do these services take a survivor-centred approach to delivery?
Is an integrated…
There are a range of ways to identify existing VAWG response services during a service mapping process. Which method/methods are most effective will depend on your context and available resources. Ensure that you actively seek out the experiences of diverse survivors such as survivors with disabilities, LBT survivors, refugee survivors and survivors from persecuted ethnicities during your mapping. Without considering the availability of services for diverse survivors, your mapping of services will be incomplete. Some approaches to gathering information include:
Conducting an online search…
Supporting survivors of VAWG to recover from violence requires a holistic approach that ensures their access to a broad range of services. Mapping should consider as many services as possible to help identify gaps in provision and opportunities for new programmes to link to existing services. Services to consider include, but are not limited, to:
Health Services, including: hospitals, health clinics (public and private), mobile clinics, sexual and reproductive health clinics, school health clinics
Police, courts and legal services, including: specialist police units for women and…
In Niger, the Spotlight Initiative programme set up a mentorship programme in safe spaces to strengthen the capacities and skills of out-of-school or never-schooled, married or unmarried adolescent girls aged 15-19. A comprehensive mentorship guide and curriculum was developed covering the following areas across 28 sessions:
Life skills: Self-awareness, self-esteem and emotional management; values and behaviours; decision-making, problem-solving and negotiations; leadership, communication and organisations skills and team-working.
Reproductive health: Women's reproductive system…
The Mutuelle de solidarité (MuSo or Solidarity Fund for VAWG Survivors in English) responds to the economic dependence of women survivors of violence. It is both a popular financing tool and a self-help group. Since 2020, as part of Spotlight initiative, CAPAC - Centre d'Animation Paysanne et d'Action Communautaire - has been developing this solidarity fund system among women in Haiti to enable them not only to accumulate savings and grant loans tailored to their needs, but also to facilitate access to a contingency fund and external financing.
By the end of 2021, a total of 12…
In Liberia, Spotlight Initiative has supported over 225,562 Liberian women and girls to access a wide range of services in health, justice, protection, psychosocial and economic support.
“We are now focusing on the agriculture and business activities the EU and UN helped us to establish. I have practiced FGM for most of my life but now I advocate for girls to get an education unhindered and make their own choice of whether to undergo the initiation after they are 18 years old. I am happy that I still get to teach our good traditions to our girls and young women without causing any harm in…
Most women in Malawi do not have access to formal financial services because of persistent barriers in access to identification documents, mobile phones, digital skills, and financial capabilities. To bridge the gap in digital financial services, Zayela Digital Finance Programme was officially launched in 2022. Zayela seeks to strengthen women's economic empowerment opportunities by promoting the digital financial inclusion of women and young women at risk of violence in Spotlight Initiative implementing districts.
Results: Working with Airtel Malawi to operate the digital accounts, a total…