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At its inception, Spotlight Initiative developed a Global Results Framework including a range of indicators measuring specific outputs, from which country programmes then selected indicators as appropriate to their context. The framework features impact, outcome and output indicators, with annual reporting documenting progress at the country level.
One indicator example is Output 2.2: Multi-stakeholder national and/or sub-national coordination mechanisms established at the highest level and/or strengthened that are adequately funded and include multi-sectoral representation and…
Spotlight Initiative relies on a multi-tiered and multi-sector governance structure at the global and programme levels to make decisions and steer work toward its objective of ending violence against women and girls. From the onset, Spotlight Initiative established a clear governance architecture and administrative arrangement, with three core functions: governance by global and country decision-making bodies, daily management and administration supported by dedicated teams, and implementation by the Recipient UN Organisations (RUNOs).
“A key good practice agreed across all Reference…