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Spotlight Initiative in El Salvador has partnered with the Association of Transgender, Transexual and Transvestite Women to deliver rights-based and inclusive health services to the trans community. The programme strengthened capacities of the Dike+ Clinic, which provides access to low-cost medicine and medical and psychological health services to trans people. In providing unprecedented support to trans women organisations, the programme helped ensure all women have their needs considered, and opened a new window of opportunity for the trans population to champion their rights. Further…
Through the Latin America Regional Programme, many countries in the region have made progress in strengthening the clinical management of sexual violence and intimate partner violence through virtual online courses co-designed and built with the ministries of health of 11 countries. Over 18,600 people have participated across six countries (Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru) in these training sessions, strengthening their capacities to develop and deliver programmes that address violence against women and girls and specifically sexual violence and intimate partner…
In Argentina, women and girls can report cases of VAWG, including violence that takes place in public places, using a “Tramas en Acción” (Action Plots), created by the grantee Centro de Intercambio y Servicios para el Cono Sur Argentina in partnership with the Ministry for Women.
Following the purchase of tablets for staff and with the support of 30 volunteers, the Spotlight Initiative grantee CHRDA recorded at least 1,000 cases of VAWG. Additionally, 2,467 women at risk of and survivors of violence, including internally displaced women, were provided with comprehensive services including…
Grantees of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women used core institutional funds for a variety of purposes which have contributed to the sustainability of WROs and CSOs, including:
Self-care and staff resilience: In Argentina, Fundación Andhes, an organisation that trains cis, trans and lesbian women to become legal advisors for survivors of violence, used its core funding to hire a psychologist to support staff responding to reports of violence. In Nigeria, the HACEY Health Initiative also engaged a therapist to support their staff. Staff in the HACEY Health Initiative reported…
In December 2021, Spotlight Initiative launched the WithHer Fund in partnership with the UN Foundation to provide flexible financial support to smaller, local, grassroots and WROs working to end violence against women and girls in their communities.
The fund operates under feminist grant-making principles, focusing on flexibility, trust and transparency. To overcome common funding barriers faced by small organisations, the WithHer Fund uses a simplified application and reporting process.
The first cohort of WithHer Fund grantees was chosen based on specific criteria, including the…
During COVID-19, Spotlight Initiative programmes needed to rapidly pivot programming to respond to the increase in violence against women and girls during the pandemic.
To meet the immediate needs of women and girls experiencing or at risk of violence, Spotlight Initiative Samoa programme took a flexible approach by repurposing its funds to work with the Ministry for Women, Community and Social Development and frontline service providers such as civil society organisations to create and distribute 400 “Prevention Packs” containing information and materials on COVID-19 and GBV translated in…