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Spotlight Initiative in Malawi helped contribute to strengthening the legal framework to protect women and girls from violence. A landmark achievement was the amendment of the Penal Code. The amendments included the redefining of the age of a child as a person under the age of eighteen years, and prohibiting sexual offences against children and persons with mental disabilities. The amendment, long advocated for by civil society, was propelled forward by the effective mobilisation of government ministers, demonstrating Spotlight Initiative’s role in bridging the gap between civil society’s…
Capacity development of key stakeholders in the government, health, police, justice, and social service sectors, educators, private sector partners, and civil society, can help to embed EVAWG knowledge, attitudes, and practices in people´s personal and professional lives.
For example, in Malawi, gender-sensitive trainings on survivor-centred reporting for Police Public Relations Officers and the media continues to yield results beyond the initial training sessions.
In El Salvador, civil society organisations contributed to new areas of research on justice, social auditing for women's…
Spotlight Initiative established community and survivor funds to improve access to services for survivors who could not otherwise afford to seek essential services or justice, while also supporting the economic recovery of survivors as part of longer term rehabilitation. Specifically, community and survivor funds were established to:
Improve access to services for survivors and Obstetric Fistula patients (OF) from marginalised and remote areas;
Support the economic recovery of survivors and OF patients as part of their long-term rehabilitation; and
Improve access to justice by…